Senju Solder Paste
Senju is at the forefront of development for new solder pastes offering both printable and jetting solder pastes in a range of flux types and solder alloys.

Senju Solder Paste
Senju is at the forefront of development for new solder pastes to address society’s ever changing need for faster communication, greater memory , product miniaturisation, higher reliability in automotive and medical fields, together with personnel devices and wearables.
Senju now offers both printable and jetting solder pastes that utilise particle 6 powder which can easily cope with 01005 chips and micro BGA devices. Common process problems such as Voiding, BGA Head in Pillow (HIP ), flux and solder splatter during laser reflow, low temperature alloys for temperature sensitive components and the need for stronger alloys offering higher reliability under shear strain and drop shock have all been addressed and are commercially available