BOFA’s T1 Single Tip Extraction System is a high vacuum, on-tip extraction unit for solder fume. Tip extraction is designed to remove & filter fumes and debris generated during hand soldering. The BOFA T1 is designed to work alongside a Tip Extraction Iron Kit (sold separately) through stainless steel bore hoses & attachments, mounted directly on the soldering iron.

The BOFA T1 a single user extractor, is ideally suited for soldering iron tip extraction, vac pens and any application requiring proximity, such as micro extraction. This unit is quiet in operation and is designed for use on the benchtop or can alternatively be mounted underneath the bench. It uses BOFA’s recirculating filtration technology to remove contaminates and return clean air to the workplace.

Unit Only System (P/N: 30766580-1213) Contains:
– T1 Powder Coated Extractor Unit
BOFA Pre-Filter (A1030087) and Combined HEPA/Gas Filter (A1030086)
Internal SKU: FE-050-025

Soldering Iron Adaptor Kit sold separately. A replacement Motor/Pump is also available (A1050013).

Key Product Features & Benefits:

– Suitable for extracting both Leaded & Lead-Free Solder Fumes
– Single Tip Extraction
– High Vacuum Pumps
– Three Stage Filtration
– Compact Design for benchtop or under bench use.
– Uses both a BOFA Pre-Filter (A1030087) & Combined HEPA/Gas Filter (A1030086)
– Complies with HSE and COSHH requirements
– Powder Coated