Ultraclean CTA is an acidic based cleaning detergent supplied in powder form, suitable for use in metal degreasing descaling and brightening, within ultrasonic baths/tanks. This product is suitable for Aluminium and can also be used to neutralise high alkaline solutions prior to disposal. CTA can be used in a wide range of applications for cleaning, descaling and rebrightening of different components in manufacturing, processing, servicing and within the food & beverage industries.

Detergents are a vital component in the ultrasonic cleaning process. They reduce the surface tension in the liquid and enhance the ultrasonic activity within the tank. This aids in the removal and loosening of contamination from the surfaces of items that are being cleaned in the ultrasonic tank.

This product is supplied as a powder in 5KG Tubs. For a quotation, please contact our Sales Office

Key Product Features & Benefits:

– To be diluted with water
– General purpose cleaning
– Metal descaling and rebrightening
– Fair compatibility with aluminium – Supplied as powder in 5KG Tubs
Internal SKU: CL-041-099


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